Unlike many of my classmates, blogging is no stranger to me. I first came into contact with blogging in 2002, when blogging wasn't even widely known in Singapore yet. I had a couple of domains but I was never a serious or professional blogger. I only blogged about random thoughts and updates of my life. I still blog sometimes, but I don't think of myself as a blogger anymore.
Most friends don't know this, but I actually have quite a diverse range of interests. I'm one of the few girls who is into guys stuff, and yet has a soft spot for girly stuff. Hmm, let's see. I like technology like gadgets, computers and the Net. I'm a very online person. My lappie is usually on the moment I reach home till before I go to bed. I shop quite abit online too, but mostly for girly products like accessories, skincare, nail polishes, etc. I simply adore accessories especially earrings. I consider myself a collector because I update my earrings collection quite regularly. I make my own jewelry too but less often now. The photo below is part of my lovely collection.
I loved gaming. It started with the Sega Genesis when I was really young, then PS, and finally the PS2. No intentions of getting PS3 since I no longer spend much time gaming. I'm officially retired after Final Fantasy XI (MMORPG). In my opinion, MMORPGs can be really dangerous if you don't exercise self-control coz they are so addictive. I once felt that I was almost losing grasp of reality. Here's a screenshot of FFXI I took when I was still very much into the game.
I'm also crazy about Stitch from Disney's Lilo & Stitch. I think he's so adorable I don't mind having him as a pet! The reason why I like him isn't just because of how cute he is, but also because of his personality. He's such an unique Disney character who started out as an anti-hero. He is arrogant, rude, charming, funny, cute, intelligent and powerful, all rolled into one! Here's my first medium-sized stitch plush that I bought online!
What else.. Right, I am a hopeless tv and movie junkie. I love superheroes blockbusters as well as corny romantic comedies. I try to watch some tv even when I'm really busy. When I watch tv or movies, I get so engrossed, it takes me away from the real world for a while. I think that keeps me sane. Music is another huge part of my life. I listen to pop, rock, R&B, jazz, and more recently, bossa nova. I play the piano but I don't think I'm really good at it. I guess I just don't practice enough. And I hope to learn the violin one day.
Ok, enough of my interests. I'm majoring in communication because I'm fascinated with the media. I think it's amazing how influential the media can be. PR is also a field I'm interested in. I heard its tough and I'm unsure if the PR industry is really suitable for me, but I figured I'll never know until I give it a try.
Gosh, this is like the first time I revealed that many details about myself at one shot. Haha. Oh well. And one last thing, I hope to get lots of As this semester! Wish me luck!
Hi Shel!
When i first saw your blog, I was thinking.. Wow! This Blog is so Beautiful! I really love your blogskin!
I think Stitch is Cute! LOL~!
Ah a gamer! I read somewhere that guys aren't the only ones gaming nowadays. Now that there are lots of MMORPGs, girls are joining in, especially because of how social these games can be.
BTW: Please turn on the RSS feed to your blog so I can subscribe to it. If you don't know how, ask me in class.
I like Lilo and Stitch too!
Ohana~ Ohana~~~ =))
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